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John Lee's Escape From Financial Illiteracy
: Korea Economic Independence Project


John Lee




Business & Economics



Overseas Licensing


  • #John Lee; escape from financial illiteracy; stock investment; becoming rich; financial illiteracy; economic independence; preparation for retirement
  • #Visiting Korean Book Fair 2021 Russia
  • #consignment
  • #Video Conference

Copyright Contact

Bae Hyejin

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    152 * 206

This book aims to combat South Korea’s 67% financial illiteracy rate.

Book Intro

(Russian) Побег от финансовой безграмотности от Джона Ли

Известный в сфере финансов Джон Ли всполыхнул философию финансов в Корее. С января по сентябрь 2020 года общее количество просмотров видео с его участием на каналах YouTube об экономике превышает 23,6 миллионов просмотров. Его предыдущая работа заняла первое место среди книг в сфере Экономика/Финансы в первой половине этого года, и в настоящее время вся Корея изучает финансовую философию Джона Ли.
Опубликована последняя работа Джона Ли 'Побег от финансовой безграмотности от Джона Ли', в которой собрана информация из различных проведенных лекций, даются ответы на вопросы, полученные от аудитории. Сосредоточив внимание на концепции 'финансовой неграмотности', которая не была объяснена должным образом, книга написана упрощенно для новичков в сфере финансов.


(English) John Lee's Escape From Financial Illiteracy

Videos that have appeared on the author’s financial YouTube channel over the course of January to September of 2020 have received as many as 23,600,000 views collectively. John Lee’s previous book ranked first in the Economy and Business field for the first half of 2020, and with this, the country of South Korea is now studying his financial philosophies.

Determining that he has previously conveyed to audiences his stock investment philosophy and the lifestyle required to become rich, Lee takes the time in this book to gather together a series of lectures and answer questions from his audience. By focusing on the idea of “financial illiteracy,” a concept that has lacked the opportunity to be properly and sufficiently explained, Lee wrote this book in a manner that allows even readers who still feel awkward about finance to approach the topic with ease.

About the Author

John Lee

(English) Current CEO of Meritz Asset Management. In 1984, he emerged on the scene as a star fund manager at the famous American Wall Street investment firm Scudder, Stevens & Clark, where he ran the “Korea Fund”—the first-ever mutual fund to invest in the Korean market. By buying the then-underestimated Korean stocks for a long-term investment, he increased the asset that was worth KRW 60 billion at the time of listing, to KRW 1.5 trillion in 2005, which marked a milestone in history of Korea’s investment market. He then left the U.S. and moved to Korea in 2014 to foster the right culture of stock investment by using the investment philosophy of an advanced nation as well as his own principles. In just two years from taking office as the CEO of Meritz, he transformed the company that had previously recorded one of the lowest yields into a leading firm, causing a great stir in the industry. To correct the deep-rooted prejudices associated with finance in Korea, he has given over 1,000 lectures to all groups of people—including workers, housewives, and students. He is definitely the best investment mentor who strives to increase the financial literacy of Korea by writing books, appearing on media and uploading lectures on YouTube.


(Indonesian) Penulis pindah ke Amerika Serikat pada awal 1980-an dan belajar llmu Akuntansi di Universitas New York. Ia kemudian bekerja sebagai akuntan publik bersertifikat di Peat Marwick, sebuah kantor akuntan Amerika Serika hingga akhirnya menjabat sebagai Fund Manager untuk perusahaan manajemen aset seperti Scudder, Stevens and Clark, Lazard Asset Management, dan lain sebagainya.

Scudder, Stevens, and Clark mendirikan The Korea Fund, reksa dana pertama yang berinvestasi di pasar Korea. The Korea Fund mencatat riwayat pengembalian tahunan yang luar biasa sebesar 24 persen selama 14 tahun sejak tahun 1991 hingga 2005. Kesuksesan besar tersebut menjadikannya Star Fund Manager di Wall Street, New York.

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