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Story Mate: The Enormous Turnip








Children's Other Books


3~5 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #English
  • #story
  • #values
  • #life
  • #world-renowned story
  • #global
  • #famous story
  • #expression
  • #bilingual
  • #Indonesia online Consultation

Copyright Contact

Ji-Eun Jang

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    230 * 260

STORY MATE looks back at life values that are hidden within world-renowned stories. It fosters sound and warm-hearted minds through stories of figures who practiced such values.

Book Intro


Story Mate menelaah nilai-nilai kehidupan yang tersembunyi di karya-karya terkenal dunia, mengisahkan kembali cerita tentang orang-orang yang menerapkan nilai-nilai hidup itu hingga membuat pembaca ingin memiliki hati yang tulus dan hangat. 

Story Mate membantu anak-anak agar terbiasa memahami kata-kata dan ungkapan dalam Bahasa inggris yang ada di dalam buku mata pelajaran Bahasa inggris SD dengan pembelajaran melalui cerita dongeng.

1. Membantu anak-anak dalam memahami nilai-nilai kehidupan dan pengembangan karakter.

2. Menjadi bekal anak untuk menjadi pemimpin global dengan kemampuan berfikir dan berekspresi.

3. Menumbuhkan kemampuan anak dalam berekspresi melalui simbolisme yang terkandung dalam cerita dongeng.

4. Melalui konten digital (Moving E-Book), anak-anak dapat menemukan cerita dongeng dengan format tiga dimensi yang dapat dilihat, didengar, dan dipelajari.

Karya terbaik <Lobak Besar> ini menceritakan tentang nilai-nilai gotong royong.



Story Mate helps readers naturally learn and familiarize themselves with elementary English vocabulary and expressions through world-renowned stories.

1. Presents a role model for learning values and developing character

2. Helps develop a foundation for global leadership by introducing emotions and expressions used around the world

3. Helps readers utilize expressions that come from world-renowned stories

4. Includes a DVD that provides a three-dimensional and sensible reading experience

The Enormous Turnip is a story built around the concept of working together.

About the Author


Tolstoy (M) was a Russian novelist, critic and philosopher. He was a world-class writer and represents Russian literature of the 19th century along with  Dostoevsky. His achievements as a philosopher were also astonishing. He published his first piece, Childhood, anonymously and received high praises from Nekrasov, and with Boyhood and Sevastopol Sketches, he established his position as a prominent young writer. After his marriage, he concentrated on his writing, eventually publishing his most well-known pieces, War and Peace and Anna Karenina. Around the time he published these masterpieces, he became very religious owing to his fear of death and the uncertainty of life, and his philosophy during this time is referred to as Tolstoyism. He published Resurrection to fund the immigration of followers of Georgism, which was not a part of the Russian Orthodox Church, to the US. Other works he published include, Father Sergius, The Living Corpse, After the Dance, Alyosha the Pot, Path of Life and The Light Shines in the Darkness. In his later life, he went on a journey aimlessly in order to resolve the problems in his family life, but fell ill during this journey and die on October 29, 1910 at a railway station.



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