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My Mom's 100 Faces


Park Suyeon

Jung Eunsook


KizM Education Group


Picture Books


3~5 years old
6~8 years old

Overseas Licensing

Chinese, Vietnamese


  • #mother
  • #family
  • #emotion
  • #feeling
  • #relationship
  • #love
  • #humor
  • #picture books for young children
  • #picture book
  • #2019 Guadalajara International Book Fair
  • #Visiting Korean Book Fair 2021 France&Belgium
  • #2023 Visiting Korean Book Fair-Thailand

Copyright Contact

Shin Gyeonga

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    200 * 247

This is a picture book that adorably describes a mother’s face in various situations through the perspective and voice of a child.

Book Intro

(English) My Mom's 100 Faces

"Mom has a secret. Mom has a thousand faces. She has a lion’s face when she’s angry, a cat’s face when she’s in a good mood, a sheep’s face when she’s happy, and a duck’s face when she’s frustrated. What face does your mom have?"

Why does mom’s face change multiple times throughout the day? My Mom's Hundred Faces is a picture book that adorably describes a mother’s face in various situations through the perspective and voice of a child. It also helps a mother and child share and talk about their emotions with each other.


(French) <100 visages de maman>

Ma mère a un secret. Elle a différents visages.

Quand elle est fâchée, son visage ressemble à celui d'un lion, quand elle est de bonne humeur, à celui d'un chat et quand elle fait la tête, c'est un canard. Quand elle est très émue, elle se change aussi en panda et quand elle sursaute, c'est un lapin apeuré.

Et encore, je n'ai pas tout dit de ses nombreux visages. »

Ce livre illustré décrit de manière humoristique les différents visages d'une mère vus par son enfant.

Sa lecture permettra aux enfants comme à leurs parents de mieux se comprendre mutuellement.

About the Author

Park Suyeon

(English) Park Suyeon (F) studied Korean Literature in college. She currently works at a publishing company writing stories and making picture books. Making picture books makes her happy, so she does her best to create picture books that children can enjoy. Noted books she has written include Our Teacher Is a Witch, I Didnt Do it! and Lumpy Grampy Lost His Lumps!

(French) Diplômé(e) de l’université en littérature coréenne, Su-yeon Park est un auteur-illustrateur dans une maison d’édition. Heureux(se) de créer les livres illustrés pour la jeunesse, (il ou elle) se consacre aux livres illustrés dont les enfants peuvent jouir.

Jung Eunsook

(English) Jung Eunsook (F) studied Painting at Dongduk Women's University and currently works as an illustrator. She loved doodling as a child and started working on some illustrations for a magazine by accident. Since then, she has worked as an illustrator for many different books.

(French) Diplômé(e) des beaux-arts, Eun Sook Jeong travaille maintenant en tant qu’illustrateur(illustratrice). Après avoir dessiné occasionnellement une illustration dans une magazine, je continue d’illustrer de divers livres.

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