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Shall We Find The Roads In The Woods?


Park Gyeonghwa

Kim Jinwha


Changbi Publishers, Inc.


Picture Books


6~8 years old
9~12 years old
Young Adult

Overseas Licensing


  • #2019 CCBF
  • #environment
  • #ecology
  • #tree
  • #forest
  • #nature
  • #picture book
  • #non-fiction for children
  • #2019 China Shanghai International Children's Book Fair

Copyright Contact

Jeong Jiyeon

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    210 * 250

A story about living together with wild animals created by an environmentalist and non-fiction writer.

Book Intro

The author focused on the forests of Korea that connect Baekdusan Mountain with Jirisan Mountain, kindly showing us that there are so many roads for wild animals, not just roads for people, in the woods that we can visit so easily. Furthermore, she also discovered the paths of wild animals, which are difficult to see for humans, and expressed her wish that people will protect wild animals’ homes. This picture book leads children to naturally come to understand the importance and meaning of "co-existence" through the eyes of the author, who thinks of wild animals as our co-living partners, not just creatures to be protected for the sake of humans. The author clearly explains that the owners of the woods are animals and plants, and that people are just guests. She kindly presents her message that small acts, such as not picking up or gathering nuts from trees, are a way to respect the life of wild animals and, even further, a way to protect  nature. 

About the Author

Park Gyeonghwa

(English) Park Gyeonghwa is an environmentalist who has been steadfastly interested in global environmental issues and continually writes on the subject. Park has authored Gorillas Hate Smartphones, The Missing Fox and Mr. Tojong, A Storm Is Coming, Emergency Orders Issued!, Earthian's Method of Using Cities, and Green Job.


(Indonesian) Ia adalah salah satu aktivis pencinta lingkungan paling berpengaruh di Korea Selatan. Sejak tahun 1998, Ia telah bekerja sebagai aktivis sebuah organisasi lingkungan Green Union, dan telah mengunjungi banyak sekali tempat dengan isu lingkungan. Penulis percaya bahwa tindakan kecil orang biasa merupakan kekuatan yang lebih besar dalam menyelesaikan masalah lingkungan yang kita hadapi dibandingkan sebuah slogan besar. Bahkan hingga saat ini masih aktif menggarap kegiatan menulis dan mengisi kuliah umum dengan harapan semakin banyak orang tertarik dengan isu lingkungan.

Kim Jinwha

(English) Kim Jinwha studied painting in college and has since painted illustrations for children’s books. She hopes to see a society with fewer conflicts thanks to conclusions made possible by people agreeing to acceptable standards. She was the illustrator for books including The Brown Bear Took My Dad, Fairness: If I Were to Split the Cake, Delivery of My Heart Complete, I Need a Friend, Math Diner, Human Rights Let’s Go to School, Children's Museum Goguryeo, What It Means to Record, What is your dream? and Bonjour Tours.

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