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A Blue Fountain
: (Vietnamese) Đài phun nước màu xanh


Choi Kyungsik




Picture Books


3~5 years old

Overseas Licensing



  • #picture book for young children
  • #fountain
  • #whale
  • #imagination
  • #2019 China Shanghai International Children's Book Fair
  • #Indonesia Online Consultation
  • #2020 Visiting Japan

Copyright Contact

Kang Hyun Joo

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    205 * 297

This book is about a cool and blue imagination gushing out of an old fountain.

Book Intro

(Vietnamese) Đài phun nước màu xanh

Có thể nhìn thấy những dòng nước phun trào xanh dịu mát mẻ từ các đài phun nước cũ trong công viên hay chung cư. Khi nước phun chảy vào mùa hè, đài phun nước bỗng trở thành một sân chơi trong khoảng thời gian ngắn. Nhưng khi nước ngừng, sự quan tâm đến đài phun nước biến mất. Nhìn thấy một đài phun nước cũ kỹ không còn một giọt nước, tác giả dẫn dắt chúng ta đến một không gian tưởng tượng dịu mát. 


(Indonesian) Air mancur biru

(Indonesian) Siapapun yang tinggal di sekitar apertemen biasa melihat air mancur biru yang tua tapi menyejukkan. Pada saat musim panas, saat pancaran airnya keluar, dengan sangat mengejutkan air mancur berubah menjadi tempat bermain air. Tetapi jika airnya berhenti minat orang-orang untuk melihatnya pun hilang. Penulis berusaha menarik kita dalam cerita imajinasi dengan melihat air mancur tua yang tidak memancarkan setetes pun air.


(Japanese) 青い噴水 



(English) A Blue Fountain

There is a fountain in the middle of an apartment complex which has not spouted water for a long time. They say you can smell the fishy smell of the sea on rainy days. But no one takes an interest in the fountain except for one child. The child hangs around the fountain all day long for some unknown reason. Perhaps he felt something strange which other people didn’t notice? Or he maybe he was lost in his endless imagination as he looked at the fountain. Since it's not explained in words, it’s open to interpretation. Readers understand the story in relation to their own psychology. Soon it gets dark. The ground cracks and shakes, and something comes up from underground. It’s a whale! The picture, drawn only with black lines, amplifies the imagination. The whale flies up into the dark sky carrying the child. The moon in the night sky evokes a weird atmosphere. Where is the whale flying to above the city, in the night sky? The whale dives into the blue sea. The color blue, which stands out between pictures drawn with lines in Chinese ink, maximizes the refreshing feeling. The child follows the whale into the deep blue sea where he can swim around freely. It’s a place he could never experience in the city. If you look closely, the whale is always looking at the child. The huge whale feels familiar. Other whales appear once they rise to the surface of the water. Each has a fountain on its back. The fountain becomes their blowhole to spurt out water. It looks like the fountains, which have not run with water for such a long time, are finally relieving their long thirsy. The child flies up into the air on the water. He has fun playing on the whale fountain. When scattered water drops shine in various colors and the joy reaches it peak, rain drops start to fall and he returns to reality. The child goes home all wet. Readers with sharp eyes will find a starfish on his clothes. Reality and imagination are entwined like the Mobius strip. It feels like the salty smell of the sea is circling around the tip of your nose. 

About the Author

Choi Kyungsik

(Vietnamese) Vì thích vẽ và sáng tạo ra mọi thứ nên đã học kiến trức nhưng cuối cùng lại trở thành một người vẽ tranh minh họa. Tôi cố gắng kể những câu chuyện cuộc sống xuất hiện khi sống cùng vợ và hai con thông qua các cuốn sách tranh. "Đài phun nước màu xanh"  là tác phẩm đầu tay.


(English) Choi Kyungsik (M) studied Architecture because he liked to draw and create something, and now he has finally became an illustrator. He tries to tell the stories that come to his mind during everyday life with his wife and two children in his picture books. A Blue Fountain is the first picture book he wrote and illustrated.


(Indonesian) penulis menyukai lukisan dan ia belajar tentang bangunan sehinga ia memutuskan menjadi ilustrator. Penulis berusaha menampilkan cerita yang muncul dalam kehidupan bersama istri dan dua anaknya dengan buku bergambar. Buku 'air mancur biru' ini merupakan buku pertama yang ia tulis dan gambar.


(Japanese) 作って描くことが好きで建築を勉強し、ついにイラストレーターになりました。妻と二人の子供と一緒に暮らしながら思い浮かぶ話を絵本に解いてみようと思います。『青い噴水』は作家が書き、描いた初の絵本です。



Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, 2016, Sejong Books for Sharing Literature

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