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Hide and Seek
: (Vietnamese) Trò chơi trốn tìm


Kim Jung Sun




Picture Books


6~8 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #general picture book
  • #history
  • #Korean War
  • #refuge
  • #friendship
  • #hide-and-seek
  • #2019 Gothenburg
  • #2020 CCBF

Copyright Contact

Kang Hyun Joo

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    250 * 245

Hide and Seek looks back on the Korean War through two girls with the same name.

Book Intro

(English) Hide and Seek

Two girls with the same name live in the same town. One girl is Park Sundeuk, whose father owns a distillery, and the other is Lee Sundeuk, whose father has a bicycle shop. They always spend time together. But one day at dawn, they are separated without knowing why. War has broken out and people are taking refuge. The writer compares the situation of the girls to the game of hide-and-seek. He shows their crisscrossed fate well with the words of the hide-and-seek song: “Hide well, or else your hair might show.”

Park Sundeuk, left behind in her hometown, is "it," while Lee Sundeuk leaves to seek refuge. Lee sleeps on a pea patch exposed to the night dews and crosses a river on the road to find shelter. She also has to dodge the bombings, which can come anywhere, anytime. But she doesn’t look so gloomy. The sky she saw while lying in the pea patch is beautiful and when she crosses the river in the middle of summer it helps her cool down from the heat. She crosses over a world of danger, but her natural vitality remains.

Before long, Lee sneaks into a shelter. Readers can find her hiding there, peaking out the tent and waiting for food rations, and shout, “I found you, Sundeuk!” Now, Lee becomes "it" and she returns to her hometown.  

The passing of time is shown with the yellowing of the leaves. When she returns to her hometown, nothing is the same. The bicycle shop has collapsed and the distillery is damaged. Above all, her friend Park Sundeuk is nowhere to be found. She only finds her friend’s dog. Lee shouts, “Come out, come out, wherever you are!” and drops down on the ground. 

Readers feel a faint sadness once they close the book. This sadness makes you feel as if they are your grandmother and your neighbors. Sadness enables us to understand the war more deeply. It becomes the story of someone somewhere who is in pain even now, not just a bygone page from history.


(Vietnamese) Trò chơi trốn tìm

Đây là sách tranh giúp chúng ta nhìn lại nỗi đau của quá khứ và cảm nhận sự quý giá của sự bình yên đang ở trước mắt chúng ta. Trong một ngôi làng có hai cô gái cùng tên. Một là Park Sun Deuk con của chủ xưởng ủ rượu, và đứa trẻ còn lại là Lee Sun Deuk, con gái cửa hàng xe đạp. Hai đứa trẻ luôn luôn đi cùng nhau nhưng đến sáng sớm một ngày nọ chúng chia tay mà không rõ lý do. Tác phẩm so sánh sự di tản trong chiến tranh như trò chơi trốn tìm để mô tả định mệnh nghiệt ngã của những đứa trẻ.

About the Author

Kim Jung Sun

(Vietnamese) Tôi bắt đầu câu chuyện trốn tìm bằng câu nói của người mẹ "Khi mẹ nằm trên ruộng đậu để ngủ thì thấy bầu trời đêm đó thật đẹp." Tôi muốn kể nó ít nhất một lần vì đó là một câu chuyện cần thiết. Những cuốn sách đã viết và vẽ bao gồm "Em tôi Kim Jeom-bak",  "Quản bóng chày", cuốn sách đã vẽ tranh gồm có "Rượu gạo makgeolli, công việc sai vặt", "Cơm gạo cơm lúa mạch","Dì đuôi hãy chơi với cháu" và "Cái cây biến thành đôi giày".


(English) Kim Jungsun (F) started to write the Hide and Seek when her mother said, "I lied down in a pea patch to sleep but I couldn't becuase the sky was so pretty that day." She wanted to write the story at least once because it was something which needed to be told. Picture books she wrote and illustrated include My Brother Kim Jeombak and Baseball, and books he illustrated include Rice Wine Errand, Rice and Barley Game, and Let's Play Aunt Kkori.

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