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Noh Inkyung


Munhakdongne Publishing Group


Picture Books


3~5 years old
6~8 years old
9~12 years old
Young Adult

Overseas Licensing


  • #picture books
  • #life
  • #love
  • #family
  • #childbirth
  • #2019 Gothenburg Book Fair

Copyright Contact

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    210 * 290

This book depicts the moment of wonder when a breath meets a breath to create a new breath.

Book Intro

Aru, how did you feel? I mean, when you were in mom's womb? Did you feel suffocated?
No, it was great! There were a lot of exciting things.
One day, a brightly shining being came to the author. Soon, the child became old enough to start talking to her with an expression sparkling with wonder. While every moment shines like a book, the writer goes back to their first meeting when she was connected with her child as one. For 10 months, they breathed and shared everything together. A pleasant imagination that the child would have already been enjoying the world led to the birth of the picture book Breathing. The moment of wonder when she meets her child starts out with the child's first small breath forming within a soft, apricot colored space of fantasy.        
I wish that the breaths you breathe reach a larger world.
I wish that the breaths you breathe make more beings smile.
"Breath" is the wonder and miracle given to us and it becomes a world of its own. The breaths the child breathes out take various forms and begin to fill the page. A wondrous, beautiful and endlessly shifting space. This is the world the writer wants her child to have and also the world she wants her child to build.
This world is also a space that endlessly expands outwards. It embodies the hopes that the child will live in a larger word and will smile together with more beings, which are symbolized in thousands of tiny dots. Breaths gather to form a large whale, and as the whale becomes part of an enormous space, it offers a jaw-dropping scene that cannot be seen elsewhere.
The miracle where a breath meets a breath and forms another breath.
And the author who is able to depict this miracle with colors.
With a gentle flow of a variety of colors, Breathing was illustrated by placing a tracing paper on color pencil underdrawing. There is not a single rough texture in the frame which could obscure the child floating across it. The frame is filled with only softness and warmth which welcome new breaths coming into this world. On top of the tracing paper is a family drawn with smooth curves, as if floating freely and enjoying breaths. While the dots, which are the visual representation of breaths, look separated, at the same time they make a large, single form. Thanks to this, readers are able to read the "breath" up close and from afar - the magic of not only sharing every moment they have made together but also looking at the overwhelming memories as a whole. But because it is Noh Inkyung, they are depicted as a "scene of wonders."


About the Author

Noh Inkyung

(English) Noh Inkyoung studied Visual Design in Hongik University and Fine Arts in Italy. Books that are written and drawn by Noh Inkyoung include Mr. Bear’s Chair, X, the Hedgehog, The Breath, and I Am a Bag. Noh was selected as the Illustrator of the Year in Bologna Children's Book Fair with her work in The Book Cleaner, Soso in 2012. In 2013, Noh won the BIB Golden Apple Award and the Petits Momes Award in Switzerland with her illustrations in Mr. Elephant and 100 Drops of Water. Hedgehog X won the White Raven in 2015, and Mr. Bear’s Chair won the One Book, One Library of Seoul in 2018. Noh's other illustrations include I Love You No, Dumb Letter!, Great Day for a Picnic, and Sorry Cat! 


(Japanese) 2006年初創作絵本である『電車と魚』を出版して以、『本掃除部ソソ』、『象おじさんと100個の水滴』、『ハリネズミエックス』、『君の日』など新しい試みをした作品を着に出版して来た。『本掃除部ソソ』で2012年ボローニャ国際児童図書展今年のイラストレーターに選定されいて『象おじさんと100個の水滴』で2013年ブラチスラバ世界絵本原画展(BIB)金のりんご賞を受賞し、『ハリネズミエックス』が2015ホワイトレイブンズに選定され、世界の注目を集めている。『クマさんの椅子』は『2018ソウル市一つの図書館一冊の本を読む』に選ばれた。



"When you were within me, what were you? How were you living your life? These thoughts simply make me happy again. The breath of the child that makes me live. My breath that breathes life into my child. The moments of wonder when those breaths spent time together are captured within this book. - Mun Jiae (Freelance Announcer, ""Ae TV"" YouTube Creator), 2018"

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