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: (Russian) Бассейн


Lee Jihyeon




Picture Books


3~5 years old
6~8 years old

Overseas Licensing


  • #wordless picture book
  • #fantasy
  • #growth
  • #swimming pool
  • #summer
  • #imagination
  • #Freedom
  • #2019 Gothenburg Book Fair
  • #Korean Picture Books Recognized by the World

Copyright Contact

Yoo Jeongrim

  • Publication Date

  • No. of pages

  • ISBN

  • Dimensions

    220 * 306

The wordless picture book depicts inner growth through a child's fantasy trip into the deep end of a swimming pool.

Book Intro

(Russian) Бассейн

Мальчик смотрит на голубую гладь безлюдного бассейна. Может, он мечтает о свободном плавании? В это время к бассейну стекаются люди. Они ныряют и весело резвятся в воде. Молча понаблюдав за ними, мальчик находит свободный уголок бассейна и погружается в воду. Оказалось, что под водой уже была девочка. Вместе они уходят глубоко под воду. Там их встречает совсем другой мир, населённый разными необычными существами, и они весело с ними играют. Что же ещё их ждёт на этой глубине?


(English) Pool

Pool is a wordless picture book. Most picture books tell a full story through the combination of words and pictures. But a wordless picture book only shows pictures and leaves filling the blanks to the readers' imagination. Each reader makes their own story by imaging an "invisible story" while looking at "visible story." What is the "visible story" of this picture book?
A boy looks at an empty pool. Is he dreaming of swimming freely? Just then, a swarm of people come. They splash into the water, filling up the pool and making a lot of noise as they play. The boy, who was watching quietly, goes to the edge of the pool and dives into the water. He finds a girl under the surface. Together, they go down deeper.
Deep down is another world. Various fascinating creatures greet the two children and they joyfully spend time with them. But then, what do they run into in the deep abyss? A huge white whale! The children and the whale look at each other for awhile before parting, then the children go up and get out of the water. By now, everyone has finished playing in the water and they are leaving. One young child among them looks back at the pool as if
she left something behind
This "visible story" raises many questions. Who
s the boy? Whos the girl he meets in the water? What is the meaning of the disturbance that all the people make in the water? What are the fascinating creatures in the deep water? And what about the huge white whale? But did the boy really go into the water? Did he really met the underwater creatures? Why did the child in the last scene look back? Did she also see the underwater creatures that followed the boy and the girl? ... And what on earth is this weird pool?
The answers to these questions will be the "invisible story" left to the readers. This book wishes that each reader has their own questions and and imagines their own story as they each search for their answers. Although the author wrote one sentence at the last scene as if implying her own story, the reader
s story will be the readers share.

About the Author

Lee Jihyeon

(Russian) Ли Чжихён родилась в Сеуле и окончила школу книжной иллюстрации Хангук (HILLS). Художнице нравится смотреть на маленькие звёзды, сияющие на ночном небе, камешки на берегу реки, и листья, танцующие на концах ветвей. Она надеется, что её книги смогут порадовать не только детей, но и взрослых. Ей принадлежат такие работы, как «Бассейн», «Дверь» и «Странные дома».


(English) Lee Jihyun happily lives with her husband, Hoon, and baby, Sol, in a part of Seoul clustered with eccentric houses. She studied at Kaywon University of Art & Design and HILLS (Hankuk Illustration School). Her other works include Door and Strange Houses.


(French) Dans un coin de Séoul où vivent des maisons étranges, je vis joyeusement avec mon mari, Hoon et bébé, Sol. J'ai étudié à l'université d'art de Kaywon et HILLS. Pour mes livres, il y a "La piscine", "La porte" et par "La piscine", j'ai remporté le Meilleur Prix de Livre d'images en 2015 que la Société des illustrateurs américaine choit.


American Society of Illustrators, 2015, Gold Medal in Original Art Show


(Russian) 2015 – обзор газеты New York Times «Детские книги этого года»

(Russian) 2015 – список «Книги года» Американской ассоциации библиотек для молодёжи

(Russian) 2015 – список «Лучшие книги 2015 года» Национального общественного радио (США)

(Russian) 2016 – список лучших переводных книг Международного совета по детской и юношеской литературе Швеции

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